Hampshire Archaeological Dowsers

Welcome to the Hampshire Archaeological Dowsers Group website


Our Objective


To encourage the study and advancement of the knowledge and scientific principles of dowsing in all forms and applications, but particularly for archaeology


This includes

· locating and surveying sites of known or potential archaeological interest

· searching for subterranean watercourses, cavities and tunnels

· the study of Earth Energies in sacred and secular space


The group runs or arranges training; undertakes survey work; works closely with other dowsing or archaeological groups and societies


Click on Events for our latest planned activities, including our Evening Talks (held in Shawford Parish Hall or on Zoom), or look at our brochure for all the evening meetings and much more.


For HADS events, see Events link


Online course for 2025: “The Formation of England


Membership is open to anyone who wishes to support our objectives, and costs £12 per year, and usually £2 for any dowsing session or site visit attended to help pay for equipment


A membership form can be found HERE


For further information, please email the group’s Archaeological Director Don Bryan

or by post at


             Don Bryan

             59, Viking Way



             PO8 0HT           


                                                                                           © HADS 2025 Email Webmaster