WARG organises talks, visits, field work and excavations in the local area. We hold our meetings at The Hampshire Records Office, Sussex Street, Winchester for 7:30pm start unless otherwise stated.

Talks may be presented online via Zoom. Invitations to attend will be sent out to members about a week in advance. Our list below will state when the talk is online.

Non-members are welcome to attend: admittance £5.

What’s On

Text Box:

For Winchester Archaeology and Local History



January 13th

over Zoom

Denise Allen on Glass

February 10th

Sam Wilson (Cotswold Archaeology) The Roman roadside settlement at Wickham

March 10th

Cindy Wood on Clarendon Palace

April 14th

Karen Wardley on The Hampshire Graffiti Project

May 12th

Claire Woodhead, head conservator at Hampshire Cultural Trust

Conserving the artefacts from Hursley